The Fundamentals of a Boxer's Workout by Pacific Cross Wellness Digest

The Fundamentals of a Boxer's Workout by Pacific Cross Wellness Digest

There may be many contact sports, but few are as individually intense and harrowing as the boxer's training routine. You've seen them in movies like Rocky or Hands of Stone. The early start, long hours, and non-stop endurance testing can be intimidating. Let's look into the friendlier version of this workout routine. This will be a routine you can use to improve your physique and stamina without debilitating injuries.


First, we need to ask ourselves. What do boxers typically work on?

Endurance is key to a successful boxer's physique. Training your body to withstand tremendous amounts of pain and fatigue can only serve to make your workouts longer and more rewarding. There are several ways you can train endurance. Most boxers do this through interval running.


Interval Running

Usually, an interval for most boxers ranges from 200 to 800 meters. Intervals are needed because these mimic the "round" system of boxing. For example, a 600-meter interval run at an intense pace is equivalent to one round of boxing. After one interval, you slow down to a light jog for one minute (much like how every round in boxing has a minute between each round), before going intensely again. 

You repeat this for how many "rounds" you'll need to fight + one interval. So if you need to fight five rounds, you have to run six 600 meter intervals. This is the boxer training their body needs not to feel tired after every round. To note that you should not do this on days where you will be sparring. Interval running needs your full attention on that day, plus plenty of rest after.


Lower Body Strength > Arm Strength?

Believe it or not, the arms are not the real powerhouse muscles for punching. The secret is all in your lower body. Powerful leg muscles are essential. Even with a strong upper body, your punching power will lack nearly half of its potential power without a strong lower body. 

While you still need to train your upper body, but your lower body is the priority when it comes to boxing. The best way to increase lower body strength is intense squats. Most fitness experts recommend that you should be able to do 10-20 intense squats per day. A proper squat should be slow and steady, not just you ducking down like you're about to pick something up. Working out your core with sit-ups and ab crunches are also essential to strengthening your body.


Proper Punching

The basic stance of a boxer is to keep your fists forward, your feet in an L-shape, dominant foot behind you with both feet shoulder-width apart, and a slight arching back. From that stance, shift your power by turning your dominant foot. Now, rotate your waist then direct all that kinetic movement straight through your right arm. This is what punching with your full body like. It maximizes every muscle group connected to punching, building up power from the feet, and up to the arms. It's not all just flailing wildly with muscular arms, after all.


Follow these three fundamentals to achieve the endurance and strength of a boxer!



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